Since September 2004, Anaan manifests and brings each year, in French and in English, to groups and individuals around the world: private sessions, webinars, trainings, workshops, retreats (10 to 15 days), and Creations (sacred sounds, templates, mandalas…).


“From my early childhood, I already had a deep certainty that I came from the stars. I often saw entities or beings of Light at my side, then as a teenager everything gradually faded away to resume, more intensely, in 2002.

After my graduation in psychology and a diploma in public relations, I left France at the age of 24 to live 7 years in North America. Then I moved to Spain where I settled in 1998. It was there, in 2002, that my life, forever, changed.

In my case, I received two graces that took the form of ecstasies. Of course, at the time, I did not understand what was happening to me: I was not aware yet of my inner path, I did not know anything about channeling, let alone transmissions or masters…

Two ecstasies, over two years, at home and in the middle of the day. For few minutes, which seem an eternity, I found myself suddenly floating in the universe, magnetized and elevated towards an immense white sun, a universe by itself. There, in the heart of this Source, I received a Verb filled with Love, which came simultaneously from everywhere. Though, when I returned to my body, I did not remember anything specific.

Those high infusions of Love and Light were plunging me, each time, and for several hours, into uncontrollable tears of joy, activations of powerful fires in the chest, with tremors in the spine and in the whole body. But I kept it to myself as I didn’t know anyone at that time to talk about it or at least, understand what was happening to me.

Immediately afterwards came Canada. I moved to Montreal in May 2004, for four years. Having been a professional dancer when I lived in France, then a fitness teacher in Los Angeles , I got a diploma as my a yoga teacher and began to give classes.

In June 2004, I received an intense activation of the Kundalini, by archangel Metatron, which simultaneously opened me to my divine presence, the Light realms and the multidimension. From July and August 2004, days and nights, in the expansion of the heart chakra and the transmutations of the mind, I went through an intense training by the masters as I was receiving teachings from the Christs and the Buddhas lineages, did astral journeys and merged with the multidimensional realities of my being.

September 2004, I was giving my first workshop on the sacred Breath… I was entering into my missions.

In 2008, I returned to France, obtained a life coach diploma and moved to Hong Kong, to find myself, a few years later, living in Thailand, where I currently live. During these years, my divine presence and the masters gradually led me to realize myself as a guide of ascension. This was revealed, little by little, by working daily in all my realms. I let go, through Love, Faith and Trust, to experience, and manifest, those ascension processes: the cleansing and expansion of the heart chakra, the breathingthe transmutation of the mind, ego and personality, the opening and the expansion of the multidimensional consciousness, the divine unification, the inner peace, the transcendence of the 4 bodies of ascension, the energetic mastery, the elevation into the heart of the divine presence…

This path is truly intense and so magical. It begins with a profound choice where all is to be relearned, out of all illusions, in order to recreate yourself, in this life, through Love.

What better gift can we bring to ourselves? There is nothing more liberating than to elevate from all illusions, dysharmonic emotions and the mind. To live in the Love and Light of the sacred Heart, and to open up, to rediscover one’s multidimensional being and consciousness through the divine within. 

To live, and experience, simultaneous multi-realities in the now, through time, space and dimension, is to bring back Love  within yourself, merging all that you are with Peace and Unity, in order, if this is your choice, to rise within the heart of your inner divinity and in the infinite field of Love, Light and Unity: the Infinite Love ocean that is the Source.



Below are some examples, in a non-exhaustive list, of some teachings manifested by Anaan:

  • The sacred Breath
  • The Heart chakra and its matrices
  • Gaia and the Intra-worlds
  • Chakras, multidimensional chakras and bodies of ascension
  • The divine presence
  • The unification of the sacred Feminine and the sacred Masculine
  • Transmutations of the mind, the ego and the personality
  • Mind illumination
  • Multidimensional consciousness
  • Multidimensional circuits and stargates
  • The Inner Peace
  • Creation and Manifestation (sacred sounds, sacred dances, seals, templates, mandalas…)