This 2025 program has been created to bring you new Divine Love’s elevation each months of the year.
At the beginning of each month, The Love Wave is manifested to bring divine Love elevation in your energetic field and physical body.
And at the end of each month, The Temple of Divine Love is manifested to bring divine elevation to your home.
The Love Wave is a symbiosis of divine Love, presented in a series of audio transmissions for the benefit of all.
Opening and uplifting your field while assisting the opening and divine expansion of the heart chakra,
The Love Wave releases fears and illusions related to the world and the collective, to rise and merge with the divine within.
Other benefits
The pure frequencies of divine Love, manifested in this high energetic wave of Light, come to soothe, cocoon, and recharge your being, while uplifting any low frequencies held in your field. Releasing your field, your soul and consciousness through Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Harmony, Joy, Peace, Unity, Purity, Fluidity and Divine Clarity.
The Love Wave
The Love Wave is an emanation from the Christ lineage, the Universal divine Mother, the Galactic Federation, the Universal portals of Divine Love*, Shambala, the angels and the archangels.
These sounds, which may sometimes seem unusual, open up in contact with your Heart chakra’s field. Liberating saturations of concentrated enlightened frequencies full of divine codes, keys, glyphs, elixirs and geometries. All unified to the angelic choirs are releasing your being, your multidimensional body, and soul, while uplifting the mind, the personality and the ego.
* The Enlightened Universal Portals of Divine Love are multidimensional gateways unified to the Source, connected to each other through all spaces, times and dimensions.
How is The Love Wave transmitted?
Mastering deep inner states of consciousness and meditation over the past 25 years, Anaan is manifesting sacred sounds emanating from the elemental, ancestral, angelic-archangelic, galactic, celestial and universal realms. Since 2020, he has been guided to transmit The Love Wave, for all to merge into the bliss of divine saturations.
This year, The Love Wave is entering a new phase of expansion as it is presented monthly from March to December 2025, as a loving energetic support program. It will also welcome new team members who will, sporadically, join to transmit some of The Love Wave’s sessions.
How to receive The Love Wave?
To receive The Love Wave, sit or lie down comfortably, ensuring not to be disturbed. When the transmission starts, try to stay still as possible for the next 20mn as The Love Wave will be activating and anchoring within and around you to assist you to integrate deeper all enlightened frequencies.
During each session, you might feel. and experience, different sensations in your physical being. All are part of this enlightened recalibration/integration process.
For example, you may feel extremely hot or cold, or feel nothing at all, or experience emotions arising, or aches, or pressures… all those symptoms, if any, will dissolve in the hours following each transmission. Whatever is your feeling, breathe slowly and deeply. Staying calm and quiet for few minutes after a transmission is advised.
For a deeper integration, drink also more water in the next 2 following days.
Format and Language
The Love Wave is currently presented as a 20-minute audio to download, and to listen to, with earphones, whenever you wish to receive.
Each transmission begins with a few minutes opening, helping you to center yourself to receive the Love Wave. The last minutes will end the transmission to support the grounding of all frequencies within all that your are.
For more convenience, those openings, and endings, are all taking place, in English or in French.
When downloading the audio, please, select the field in your chosen language.
We are lovingly inviting you to join us on The Love Wave journey, and look forward sharing with you those divine elevations.
Anaan and The Love Wave Team
Tuesday, April 08
Tuesday, May 06
Tuesday, June 03
Wednesday, July 02
Friday, August 01
Sunday, September 07
Tuesday, October 07
Wednesday, November 05
Thursday, December 04
The Love Wave (1 transmission, April) : 25 €
The Love Wave (April-December 2025)
9 transmissions 25×9 = 225 €
This program invites you to receive the activation and anchoring of a Love Temple where you live, for gentle purification and elevation to take place. A Love Temple is a divine multidimensional Light structure, charged with enlightened frequencies of divine Love. This temple concentrates, condenses and charges any particle within its illuminations.
What are the benefits?
A temple opens to contemplation, the opening of the senses, and elevation. This structure of Light opens your place for calm and harmony, serenity and purification, peace and Love to take place.
Whether it is for an apartment, a house, with or without a garden, this temple will be suitable for your place and also to the people who live there, or come there, as well as for all animals, minerals and plants bathing in the field of your home.
How does it manifest?
The activation of The Love Temple is manifested when this divine structure is anchored within your place. Its manifestation, anchoring and activation are orchestrated through the divine action of the angels and archangels, in unity with the Universal Divine Mother, the Christ’s lineage, the Galactic Federation, Shambala and the Venusian portal of divine Love.
On the dates mentioned on the Calendar, set below, this divine temple activates automatically at 22 pm, on your local time, and will emanate divine Love during the night, in all of your home and land, if any.
Calendar 2025
Sunday, April, 27
Tuesday, Mai 27
Wednesday, June 25
Thursday, July 24
Friday, August 29
Sunday, September 21
Tuesday, October 21
Thursday, November 20
Saturday, December 20
The Love Temple is offered, donation are available for this activity
The Love Temple (1 activation, April)
The Love Temple (April-December 2025)
9 activations